Vaccination against influenza is the most effective approach for reducing influenza\nmorbidity and mortality. However, influenza vaccines are unique among all licensed vaccines\nas they are updated and administered annually to antigenically match the vaccine strains and\ncurrently circulating influenza strains. Vaccine efficacy of each selected influenza virus vaccine varies\ndepending on the antigenic match between circulating strains and vaccine strains, as well as the age\nand health status of the vaccine recipient. Low vaccine effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccines in\nrecent years provides an impetus to improve current seasonal influenza vaccines, and for development\nof next-generation influenza vaccines that can provide broader, long-lasting protection against both\nmatching and antigenically diverse influenza strains. This review discusses a perspective on some of\nthe issues and formidable challenges facing the development and regulation of the next-generation\ninfluenza vaccines.